Epicenters of Influence

Epicenters of Influence

How many people are in your company or organization?  What about your specific department? How many people within your department do what you do? The smaller the company the smaller a department.  But even with larger organizations, if you engage with the public, you...
Epicenters of Influence

Word of Mouth Marketing

If money were no object marketing would be quite easy.  We would spend, and spend a lot, to ensure that every person in our target market heard our message.  Unfortunately, in most cases this is impossible and unrealistic. For a large majority of businesses our...
Epicenters of Influence


You’ve met that business professional who seems to be connected to everyone.  Their success is palpable.  They project confidence and credibility.  You might wonder how they got to that point in their career?  What’s their secret?  Is it pure luck? Good...
Epicenters of Influence

The Complete Disconnect

Tell me if this scenario sounds at all familiar? While attending a professional networking event, you find yourself face to face with someone in “sales.”  Granted everyone in the room is in sales and/or marketing, but this particular person is truly in a...
Epicenters of Influence


Have you ever thought about how available you are to your customers?  What about your coworkers?  Referral partners?  Vendors?  Are you easy to reach?  How quickly do you respond to emails?  Phone calls?  Text messages? Regardless of the size of the company you work...