Credible Validity

Credible Validity

It is so energizing to me to go to a meeting and walk out afterwards with a plethora of thoughts and ideas.  Each week, at our Out-&-Out Marketing Forum, it inevitably happens.  This burst of creativity is a direct result of my participation in a group discussion...
Credible Validity

Out-&-Out Marketing Forum

We can all agree that there are many resources out there today that help businesses succeed. If you are a CEO or business owner, you can attend a CEO Round Table.  If you happen to be in Human Resources, chances are you can find an HR Round Table to take advantage of....
Credible Validity

Marketing: A Scary Word?

While at a recent social media seminar, one of our participants raised her hand and said the following, “I think marketing is a scary word.”  She elaborated by saying that marketing seemed too ambiguous and vague to her, so she wasn’t even sure what...
Credible Validity

“And they’re off!”

Growing a successful business is like running a marathon.  It takes preparation.  It’s hard work.  It requires strategy.  It takes commitment.  You have to be out-&-out if you want to win.  Unfortunately, most business-owners act as if marketing their businesses...