Call Me Maybe

Call Me Maybe

Carly Rae Jepsen said it perfectly with her hit song, “Call Me Maybe,” this year. Whether you like the song or frankly can’t stand to hear it on the radio one more time, it does have a very important marketing message we can all learn from. How many times have you...
Call Me Maybe

Flat Tires make for a bumpy ride

You may have heard that a person’s life is like that of a wheel, with each spoke representing an area of that person’s life. For example, one spoke may represent family, another work, exercise, social life, and so on. And the only way the wheel works most effectively...
Call Me Maybe

Social Media Marketing… Is It Really Necessary?

Let me start by asking these questions: Was it really necessary to start using Fax Machines  when it became popular? How about cell phones?  How about running a business today without a smartphone? (I remember how cool it was when mom and dad had a phone installed in...