Establishing good marketing culture requires good leadership

Team Building

Keys to Building and Motivating a Successful Team Many experts, books and blogs deal with the dynamics of teams and give advice on how to make them successful. In a recent interview with a college student, Dimalanta Design Group Founder and CEO Ernie Dimalanta...
Establishing good marketing culture requires good leadership

Fire, Ready, Aim!

Dimalanta Design Group | Cincinnati, OH Attention to detail, high standards and a commitment to quality can be great professional assets that contribute to success. Sometimes, however, those same attributes can lead to a tendency to over-plan, overanalyze and...
Establishing good marketing culture requires good leadership

Thanking Clients for a Wonderful Year

One of the most quoted lines from the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life comes at the end of the film, in a book inscription from Clarence the Angel to George Bailey: “No man in a failure who has friends.” As we at Dimalanta Design Group reflect on 2015, we are...
Establishing good marketing culture requires good leadership

Understanding Basic Design & Printing Terms

As a small- to mid-size business owner, you ultimately are responsible for your company’s marketing. Perhaps you’ve worked with a graphic designer, printing company or publication’s advertising department on your marketing materials. The terminology used by design and...