Listen Before You Speak

Listen Before You Speak

One of the challenges many people face in business relationships is their ability to listen to their partners. The brain can listen to people at a rate of 125-250 words per minute but thinks of 1,000-3,000 words per minute. So, instead of listening, we are often...
Listen Before You Speak

Got Luck?

Luck is an interesting concept.  It’s something everyone wants to have, yet we’re not sure how to get it or even where to find it.  Occasionally we think we’ve got it only to discover how elusive and temporary it can be.  Eventually we realize that...
Listen Before You Speak

The Universal Language

While facilitating a recent Blogging Workshop it dawned on me that engaging with our target audience can be diluted if we make assumptions.  While we may be fully immersed in our particular field or industry, our target audience is probably not. There were several...
Listen Before You Speak

The Next Level

It’s a good feeling to know that others are actually reading what you write.  But it’s a great feeling to engage in a discussion with someone who not only read what you wrote but had insights to share that taught you something new. I am a big fan of...
Listen Before You Speak

No Burning Bridges

Sometimes I hear words of wisdom that I can’t help but share with others.  And this is one of those times. At a referral group meeting this week a member shared a blog post from the best-selling author and keynote speaker, Jon Gordon.  The core message was the...