Spel Chek Pleaze

Spel Chek Pleaze

Remember your earliest school days and those infamous papers you needed to write? Some of us might have dreaded receiving our grade as we knew the power of that teacher’s red pen.  If we were lucky (and put forth the effort), the evidence of that red pen would...
Spel Chek Pleaze

Life Does Happen

Social Media is part of your Marketing Plan.  It’s a nice, weekly combination of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google Plus posts.  You’ve also implemented the creation of weekly newsletters as well.  Each day has been planned for with a new...
Spel Chek Pleaze

Something Different

While at my last staff meeting, our Business Development Director, Ric, started talking about kicking off the New Year with a Team Strategy Session.  Now this in and of itself wasn’t earth shattering news as our team has done numerous such sessions, but what he...
Spel Chek Pleaze

Listen Up

Do you listen or do you hear?  I ask because there is a big difference between the two. While dining with some very good friends, our conversation turned to resolutions, in honor of the impending new year.  At first the responses around the table were rather typical,...
Spel Chek Pleaze

A Time To Reflect

Reflection.  There must come a time in every business where energy is spent assessing the year, whether it is coming to an end or only just the beginning.  While it may seem like there isn’t time for it or it’s the last thing you want to do, life has an...