by devsquad | Aug 10, 2017 | Disciplined
One very important way to be able to grow your business and brand is to enhance and increase your credibility in the marketplace. Enhancing credibility enables you to strengthen your brand perception, not only for you personally as a leader, but also for the entire...
by devsquad | Aug 3, 2017 | Targeted
It’s a little too easy to fall into a trap of thinking that your products and services can be used in any industry and bought by anyone. While it could be true to a certain extent, there’s a challenge with having that mindset: it makes it much harder to see where you...
by devsquad | Jul 27, 2017 | Disciplined
It’s a little too easy for employees to lose sight of the overall vision of their company, regardless of the company size. This is largely due to poor marketing efforts put forth by the company—both externally, and internally. To establish a good marketing culture,...
by devsquad | Jul 20, 2017 | Relevant
How Being Relevant and Top of Mind Keeps Revenue Flowing in…When it comes to marketing, it’s important to have something to say. But oftentimes, if your services or products stay stagnant, there’s nothing new to report. And having nothing new to report...
by devsquad | Jul 13, 2017 | Disciplined, Perpetual
When it comes to marketing and sales, we often know that before a consumer engages with the products or services you have to offer, they need to have seen the company and know what its promotions and services are. On average, you need seven to eight touches before a...