Twitter, we hear about it all the time but what exactly is it? With the advent of multiple social media outlets, it might be safe to say that for most of us, Facebook and LinkedIn will be the extent of our foray into developing our social media skill set. But, that would be self-defeating. Twitter, is, like Facebook and LinkedIn, another free tool to build your business. And, yes, free is the key word here. So, let’s break Twitter down into what it can do for you and your business:

  • You don’t need to engage to benefit from Twitter. You can simply “listen.”
  • Your audience is fully engaged and looking for real-time information through Twitter.
  • Twitter can be added to your website to enhance it with ever-changing, relevant information.
  • It’s a faster way to engage your customers. Period.
  • It’s a PR dream-come-true. Journalists and the media are highly active on Twitter.
  • Free business awareness platform – by just sharing your company bio.
  • You can start small and take all the time you need to learn.

While all of this can seem a bit daunting, so was that first step you took into the business world – whether it is was your first job or starting your own company. However, with the passing of each day, your skills strengthened as you put them to work. Sure, you made mistakes, but that comes with the territory. The same can be said with learning Social Media. Look at all Social Media as a new skill to be developed – but one that is free, with zero risk, and so much to gain. If you knew that a great segment of your target audience was behind a closed door and you held the key to unlock and open it, would you?

Keep it targeted.

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