What is “Out-&-Out Marketing®?” For the next several weeks, we’ll explore this exclusive, trademarked DiMalanta Design marketing strategy in detail, providing tips to help any small to midsize business employ it. In a sentence, Out-&-Out Marketing® is implementing simple, disciplined, perpetual marketing strategies that are targeted, relevant and personal.

Out-&-Out Marketing® is an approach that can be utilized as a litmus test to determine whether a marketing opportunity is really in line with your brand, your target audience and your budget. It will allow you to know, rather quickly, whether what is being offered is something that is simple to execute for you and your staff, is relevant to your brand, and personal enough to accurately reflect you and your company.

Out-&-Out Marketing® is based on six straightforward principles. We’ll cover each of these in detail in forthcoming blog posts, but here is a brief overview:

Principle #1: Out-&-Out Marketing® is Simple

Sometimes, the thought of building and implementing a marketing plan can be paralyzing to the small business. Already stretched thin, the idea of researching, planning and accomplishing your strategy can be so overwhelming, it can stop you in your tracks. Keeping your marketing strategy simple can help get you over the fear and headed in the right direction.

Principle #2: Out-&-Out Marketing® is Disciplined

The most important part of any marketing plan is that it gets done. No matter how insightful the research or engaging the messaging, it won’t matter if the strategies and tactics aren’t completed and carried out consistently. Out-&-Out Marketing® stresses the importance applying the discipline necessary to make marketing a priority for your business.

Principle #3: Out-&-Out Marketing® is Perpetual

In marketing, a “one and done” strategy just won’t work. You need to think of your marketing plan as cultivating a relationship. If you went on one date with someone, you wouldn’t then sit at home and wait for the marriage proposal, would you? Out-&-Out Marketing® is perpetual – in other words, an ongoing and continuous conversation aimed at developing a relationship with your target audience(s).

Principle #4: Out-&-Out Marketing® is Targeted

When asked who your target audience is, do you often reply “everyone?” If so, you’re probably not effectively reaching anyone. Out-&Out Marketing® encourages specificity in determining not only who your audience is, but also what they’re like and how they act. The more targeted your marketing, the more likely you’ll have success.

Principle #5: Out-&Out Marketing® is Relevant

Failing to ensure that your marketing materials are relevant to your audience is the equivalent of doing nothing at all. In today’s fast-paced, multimedia environment, marketing communication must provide something of value – whether that be entertainment, information, insight – to your audience or they will simply ignore it. Out-&-Out Marketing® stresses the importance of providing relevant, relatable messages to engage your audience.

Principle #6: High Touch Marketing is Personal

Everyone wants to feel like your most important customer. When you have a small to midsize business, you have the advantage of being able to develop personal relationships with your customers. With Out-&-Out Marketing®, taking the time to connect and nurture those relationships is pivotal to success.

Stay with us for the next six weeks to find out more about these Out-&-Out Marketing® principles and how you can put them to work for your business today.

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