Facebook.  For business, we can look at Facebook as one of the “faces” that the public sees. We can also look at Facebook as a means to create a “book” of our business successes, announcements, helpful tips, and events.  From this perspective, it becomes obvious the significance of providing relevant, targeted, and personalized content.  This is extremely powerful for small businesses.  Why?  Well, because of “Likes.”  Acquiring that one “Like” means your post will be shared with that person’s “friends” on Facebook.  And, recent data suggests that the average person on Facebook has 350 “friends.”

The power of a “Like” can generate great press, build loyal customers, boost referrals, and increase revenue.  While it might be difficult to quantify the impact of Facebook on your business, ignoring the strength of this social media vehicle is not wise.  Make it a goal to increase the number of “Likes” your company page has.  Get creative.  Engage your employees with a contest.  Ask customers to “Like” your page and thank them with a promotional item.  Soon enough you will find that your 127 “Likes” will equate to 44,450 people viewing your posts.  Now that’s powerful.

Keep it perpetual.

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