Luck is an interesting concept. It’s something everyone wants to have, yet we’re not sure how to get it or even where to find it. Occasionally we think we’ve got it only to discover how elusive and temporary it can be. Eventually we realize that...
It is so incredibly easy to say and believe that anyone and everyone is a potential customer, regardless of whether you are working in the B2B or B2C field. Our tendency is to never limit those our target market because doing so would close the door on future...
We have all heard of the acronym “ROI” which stands for “Return on Investment.” ROI is a means to determine the performance of anything you invest time, money, or energy into. When it comes to marketing, there is always an ROI associated with...
I am a big advocate for ensuring that those who engage with potential customers in an organization have access to quality marketing collateral. Providing this support for those professionals not only allows them to improve their job performance but also enables them...
In certain contexts, the word “gap” has a somewhat negative connotation based on its definition: “a break or a hole in an object or between two objects” “an unfilled space or interval; a break in continuity” However, in marketing a...