The Marketing Ecosystem

The Marketing Ecosystem

Each week Dimalanta Design Group hosts a Marketing Forum facilitated by Ernie Dimalanta. Gathered in the room are professionals from various industries like IT, manufacturing, promotional, and travel.  We discuss different topics as it relates to marketing, delving...
The Marketing Ecosystem

White Noise

How many emails do you receive each day?  What about phone calls? Voice mails? Pieces of mail? How many commercials do you hear or watch each day?  What about advertisements in trade journals?  Newspapers?  Magazines?  What about social media?  Are you engaging others...
The Marketing Ecosystem

Handle With Care

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it?”  Or how about “Your perception is your reality?”  Both really say the same thing but in a different way.  No matter what your intent is, how your message...
The Marketing Ecosystem

Life Does Happen

Social Media is part of your Marketing Plan.  It’s a nice, weekly combination of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google Plus posts.  You’ve also implemented the creation of weekly newsletters as well.  Each day has been planned for with a new...
The Marketing Ecosystem

Why Diversify?

I read an interesting column in the Business section of the Enquirer last weekend.  It caught my eye because the title boldly proclaimed that cold calls and sales reps are still a necessity in the B2B world.  The writer stated that the era of “Mad Men” is...