“And the Survey Says?”

“And the Survey Says?”

Family Feud made surveys fun.  Completely random questions were asked of individuals. The answers would be numbered on the board with the most popular answer ranked first followed by the remaining responses in descending order of popularity.  My favorite part was the...
“And the Survey Says?”


Everyone makes them.  Sometimes they are right on the money and sometimes so far off it’s embarrassing.  When it comes to our professional life, there are times that we will need to make them, for if we don’t we can get stuck in limbo and nothing gets...
“And the Survey Says?”

Not a “Field of Dreams”

Who doesn’t love the movie “Field of Dreams?”  It stars Kevin Costner who plays a farmer that has a vision of a baseball diamond right in the middle of his corn field and then hears the words “If you build it, he will come.”  This is a...
“And the Survey Says?”

Marketing Research for Small Business

You might be wondering how and why a small business like yours would even consider marketing research.  But small business can do effective marketing research.  Granted it won’t be as elaborate and thorough as what the marketing research firms can do, but a...
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