by devsquad | Aug 24, 2017 | Relevant, Web Design
We still find it fascinating that in this day and age, we can run into a lot of businesses that have outdated websites. We’re living and operating in a time when the majority of clients and customers visit websites before they commit to contacting a company or...
by devsquad | Aug 17, 2017 | Relevant
Think of your company’s branding the way you think about the curb appeal of your home. When you want to increase the market value of your home, you have to improve others’ first impressions of your property—update landscaping, apply a fresh coat of paint, choose new...
by devsquad | Aug 10, 2017 | Disciplined
One very important way to be able to grow your business and brand is to enhance and increase your credibility in the marketplace. Enhancing credibility enables you to strengthen your brand perception, not only for you personally as a leader, but also for the entire...
by devsquad | Feb 4, 2016 | Perpetual
Keys to Building and Motivating a Successful Team Many experts, books and blogs deal with the dynamics of teams and give advice on how to make them successful. In a recent interview with a college student, Dimalanta Design Group Founder and CEO Ernie Dimalanta...
by devsquad | Dec 24, 2015 | Personal
One of the most quoted lines from the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life comes at the end of the film, in a book inscription from Clarence the Angel to George Bailey: “No man in a failure who has friends.” As we at Dimalanta Design Group reflect on 2015, we are...