Public Relations (PR) is about cultivating a positive brand image with the public by building relationships with various media outlets. It requires strategic communication and storytelling to engage and entice your target audience. It covers a lot more than just distributing press releases and hoping for the best — it’s establishing your online reputation through various forms of communication.

Business Dictionary defines PR as “The profession or practice of creating and maintaining goodwill of an organization’s various publics (customers, employees, investors, suppliers, etc.), usually through publicity and other non-paid forms of communication.

We have developed our own steps to successful PR using our proprietary Radial Correspondence Model. It’s a simple, straightforward method to build momentum and catapult your story from the very inception to the final follow through.

Step #1: Develop Angle/Ask 

Take your brand story and developing a unique angle and/or ask for each campaign that is relevant to your audience and say it in a way that will entice them. Through intense research and brainstorming, determine which outlet is the best fit for your objective. Stay current with daily news and trends to fuel creativity for your pitch.

Step #2: Database Media Segmentation

Consider developing a way to keep all your media contacts organized. Having a calendar with media deadlines for things like product launches, accomplishments, public service announcements and articles will keep your pitch on time. Continue building ongoing relationships and trust with media partners to foster a strong reputation with them.

Step #3: Digital Asset Collection

Developing an efficient media kit that contains everything journalists/reporters need, such as, pertinent information about your event, product or business will help the media know who to send your story out to. Draw the media in with your brand story to evoke a desire to write an article or conduct an interview with your company. Keep a thorough communications calendar that highlights important dates and details of each campaign and initiative.

Step #4: Dispatch Pitch

This is probably the easiest and exciting part of all. You have given the story everything it needs to be catapulted. Publish and release it to the media outlet that matches the industry, beat and reach of the story.

Step #5: Disciplined Follow-Through

It doesn’t just stop at the event or news release. Gather news clips, articles, and other assets that pertain to your story to use on various marketing platforms followed by thanking the media for their help in dispatching it.

We understand that the world of PR can sometimes feel like speaking a foreign language. With the help of our Radial Correspondence Model, hopefully, you can have a clear direction on how to approach your next PR story.