Committing to marketing your business is sort of like committing to waking up each morning for work.  Before walking out of your house to head for the office, or meet a client or prospect, you stop and think about how you look, how you want to be seen (or perceived) by others, and then you dress accordingly.  You consider how you look, feel, and even smell, because you know that impressions are important.  Right?  Unfortunately, I observe that many business owners don’t consider their personal brand, much less their company’s.

Your company’s brand (in most cases) ought to be considered one of your greatest, most valuable asset.  Therefore, committing to marketing should challenge your business to, “Look in the mirror.”  When was the last time you asked yourself questions like:

  • What is the personality of our brand?
  • What are our weaknesses and how will we turn them into strengths?
  • How are we better than our competition?
  • What is the value or benefit that you provide your clients/customers?

The answer to these type of questions all point towards your brand image.  If you don’t consider how you look, then you’ll have a difficult time communicating that to others.

Keep it relevant!

Ernie Dimalanta, Marketing Consultant and Founder of Out-&-Out Marketing®                              

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