We wanted to pause our usual topic of marketing since we are all homebound during this time due to COVID-19. And instead, take time to focus more on our enneagram work relationships. And what better way to do that than with the Enneagram!

For most of us, we may have more free time than usual to think, grow and/or read. Let’s invest in this time to focus on ourselves by learning how we can be the best versions of ourselves both personally and professionally.

Our relationships will thank us.

One of Dimalanta Design Group’s Out&Out Marketing® philosophies is to keep it personal. Understanding the personalities of your coworkers and audience brings focus to how different personalities shape your organization and marketing structure.

The Enneagram defined by truity.com is “a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people conceptualize the world and manage their emotions.” Every person can typically pinpoint which of the nine types that they identify with the most. Taking time to know what different Enneagram types your coworkers and audience are will help navigate how they adapt and respond in different situations.

Because of the extensive amount of time that we spend with our coworker, there is no doubt that conflict will eventually occur. By digging deeper into their unique personality type will not only help in times of conflict but also strengthen teams by working cohesively and respectfully.

Let’s take some time to dissect the nine Enneagram types and how understanding them can strengthen your team.


1: The Perfectionist

Defining Characteristics:

  • Serious and straightforward during conversation
  • Very practical and frugal
  • Hardworking and diligent coworkers
  • Hold high standards
  • Sometimes rigid in plans and decisions
  • Natural talent for teaching and instructing

Type Ones have high ethical standards and usually are the most disciplined ones on teams. They ensure everyone is staying on track with the goals set in place and are typically seen as leaders. Conflict with type Ones may arise when they become unproductive because things just never seem good enough for them. Sometimes Perfectionists aren’t able to balance accepting and appreciating their team members.


2: The Giver

Defining Characteristics:

  • Approachable
  • Warm personality
  • Patient and nurturing
  • Radiates love and kindness
  • Great team player
  • Empathetic

Need a shoulder to cry on? Call on a type Two for some encouragement and advice. They are helpers at their core and put others’ needs first even above their own. Most are the ride-or-die type of coworker who checks in on everyone to make sure they’re doing alright and are taken care of. When under stress at work, Givers can sometimes become too focused on relationships over the actual project at hand causing things to slow down.


3: The Achiever

Defining Characteristics:

  • Busy, aways on the go
  • Charismatic
  • Back to back schedules and meetings
  • Impressive resume of accomplishments
  • Very aware of social niceties
  • Refined taste

Type Threes are extremely productive and motivated to accomplish tasks. While they do enjoy recognition for their work, they are driven by their goals and are relentless to improve themselves. Typically Threes possess more of a Type A personality and their dedication is inspiring to most team members. Challenges working with Achievers are usually seen when they aren’t able to delegate work and feel like they can accomplish it better on their own.


4: The Individualist

Defining Characteristics:

  • Quirky
  • Takes pride in self-expression
  • Usually artistic
  • Distinctive taste
  • Strong sense of their identity
  • Melancholic in their expressions

Type Fours often stand out from the crowd simply because of their unique fashion and creativity. They are authentic and strive to understand who they truly are deep down inside. Type Fours bring an immense amount of creativity to teams and are great at marketing products. Working with Individualists can be a challenge when they become too self-absorbed in their own ideas making it hard for others to participate.


5: The Investigator

Defining Characteristics:

  • In-depth knowledge of subjects
  • Gives insightful responses
  • Thinks before speaking
  • Great at maintaining healthy boundaries
  • Independent and withdrawn
  • Sometimes lost in thought or absentminded

Type Fives are incredibly beneficial for a team that needs someone to bring a lot of critical thinking and details. Oftentimes, Investigators are introverts who seek to gain knowledge and technical expertise. The challenge of working on a team with type Fives is they can become detached from relationships and get caught up in their intellectual thoughts and patterns.


6: The Loyalist

Defining Characteristics:

  • Organized
  • Excellent team player
  • Usually has a close group of friends
  • Detail-oriented
  • Very responsible
  • Values security

Type Sixes are our loyal teammates who take privacy seriously and are not afraid to work overtime to support their team. They are hard workers and bring unity on teams by creating safety and structure. They anticipate problems and are great at creating solutions. Challenges can come when Loyalists don’t feel like their other team members are committed to a project and so become sceptical about their loyalty.


7: The Enthusiast

Defining Characteristics:

  • Quick thinking
  • Upbeat and positive
  • Always doing things
  • Childlike enthusiasm
  • Manages many projects
  • Well-liked and popular

Type Sevens are the popular ones, they have endless energy and optimism to go around. Their adaptability is helpful when working in teams because they don’t see problems – they see opportunities. Oftentimes it can become difficult working with an Enthusiast when they become overly busy and scatterbrained, making it hard for them to complete tasks and projects.


8: The Challenger

Defining Characteristics:

  • Self-sufficient
  • Determined
  • Headstrong
  • Controlling over environment
  • Fiery and passionate
  • Stays busy and has lots of energy

Type Eights are incredibly goal-oriented and take great pride in how independent they are. If they do fall, they get back up even stronger than before. Nothing can keep them down. Type Eights are usually great leaders and stand up for people they care about. The challenge of working with a Challenger is their lack of ability to moderate their control and forcefulness creating unnecessary conflict.


9: The Peacemaker

Defining Characteristics:

  • Calm demeanor
  • Gentle and agreeable
  • Skilled mediators
  • Humble
  • Avoids conflict
  • Forgiving and accepting

Type Nines bring harmony and kindness to the workplace and strive to keep unity with all. Nines are able to see the big picture of the goals by seeing all sides. Most are very understanding and forgiving, making great coworkers to rely on. Peacemakers can have challenges speaking their thoughts and ideas without letting others take the lead since they tend to avoid conflict at all costs.


Ultimately, our goal is to move toward wholeness by capturing the great qualities of each type. Taking time to understand our own types and respecting our coworker’s strengths and weaknesses will help us have more understanding and grace, creating a productive and harmonious workplace.

Take the test to determine what your type is at truity.com!