Spel Chek Pleaze

Spel Chek Pleaze

Remember your earliest school days and those infamous papers you needed to write? Some of us might have dreaded receiving our grade as we knew the power of that teacher’s red pen.  If we were lucky (and put forth the effort), the evidence of that red pen would...
Spel Chek Pleaze

A Commodity?

There are many things we know, be it business or personal related, but sometimes just knowing something isn’t enough.  It may take a certain way of presenting an idea to us, or the particular phase of our life at the time that gives us greater clarity.  Either...
Spel Chek Pleaze

3 Percent

3 percent. Based on 100 percent, 3 percent is really a very small amount.  Yet that small amount is largely responsible for a company’s success in any given year.  Surprisingly, many companies, both large and small, see 3 percent as too big so they go even...
Spel Chek Pleaze

The Marketing “Personal Trainer”

How many of you would say that you are self-motivated?  Hopefully the answer you say aloud to others is the same as the one you are thinking. Working as a small business owner, or for a small business, requires self-motivation.  And while we may have a lot of it,...
Spel Chek Pleaze

It’s All In the Details

Details.  We notice them.  Especially when it affects our day: Too much salt in your entree. Music that is too loud at a venue that you can barely hear the other person talk. Poor lighting. Cold coffee when it reaches your table. Flat soda. All those examples reflect...
Spel Chek Pleaze

Lead vs. Referral

Lead.  Referral. At first glance, these two words might appear to mean the same thing to a business professional. However, they have two very different meanings entirely.  According to Wikipedia a lead is defined as:  “generic” for example “they come...