Empathy is a subject floating around many conversations these days. Usually, it emerges alongside the words “culture” and “connection,” and “belonging.” But, many of us are left wondering, what’s the difference between sympathy and empathy? Hallmark and good pastors...
What is a paint without a canvas? We are endlessly passionate about designing all of the external pieces of your business. We can design your brand, your logo, your marketing plan, your tone, your style, your aesthetic, your ads, your websites, your videos, your...
Holiday and end of year celebrations are inching closer and closer. You may be wondering what you should say to congratulate your staff or motivate them as 2022 approaches. Should you even say anything at all? Should you have been handing out more recognition and...
Dimalanta has recently captured an effective tool for understanding the complex nature of personality. We wanted a thorough and comprehensive model that would help us to grow as individuals and find clear paths for collaboration with each other. When our team started...
Society has changed more in the last decade than ever before. Without question, technological innovation is responsible for the upturning of every way we once communicated, worked, commuted, and lived. If organizations don’t keep up with a society that has its foot on...