Did you realize that you have a digital salesperson working for you? They live and breathe your brand — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They never take a coffee break. They have an unlimited amount of energy and stamina. This salesperson is constantly visible. Your best employee isn’t actually a person at all, it’s your website.

So, is your website accurately revealing the image of your brand and the story you want to tell your audience? Is it effective? Do you have old content, photos, blog posts and pricing that havn’t been updated in a long time or design that doesn’t match your corporate identity? How you answer these questions can greatly impact lead generation, your engagement process and your closing ratio. Let’s look at how you can pump-up your digital salesperson without a lot of fuss.

How To Look

Dress it up! You wouldn’t go into a sales meeting wearing old tattered jeans and a t-shirt from the ’90s. No, you would wear something appropriate such as a crisply ironed shirt and slacks with a modern tie, teeth brushed and hair neat. It’s as simple as using nice, clean fonts that don’t include Papyrus and having appealing photos that are appropriate (no pictures that look like they’re from the ‘90s). Take time on this part. How your website looks will affect first impressions.

What To Say and How To Say It

Your ideal audience should be able to connect right away with your brand story, vision and company culture within the first few minutes of landing on your webpage. Be intentional how your digital salesperson portrays your company. Look over the content you have and determine that everything is cohesive to your brand story.

How to Socially Network With It

Develop a targeted and relevant content marketing campaign by utilizing e-newsletters, social media posts, downloadable resources, youtube videos, directory listings and online forums. When you’re showing that your digital salesperson is active online, it will build service and product awareness as well as your credibility with Google and users.

Your digital salesperson should engage your audience, accurately reflect your brand and complement your marketing efforts. By perpetually executing baby steps, you will equip your digital salesperson to faithfully manage your brand perception, awareness, credibility and thus impact your sales revenue.

Stay relevant!

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