Yellow Pages They're still aroundRemember the days when you used to flip through the Yellow Pages to find a business?  Well, times have certainly changed in our technology driven world, but surprisingly most small businesses have not. reveals that over 75% of businesses surveyed (over 10 million to be exact) do not have a website.  And this survey was in May of 2012.  If you are a business owner that wants to stay small, then this strategy will certainly ensure that happens.  However, if that’s not in your plans, then it’s time to embrace the internet world we live in with the creation of a website.  Rest assured it is not a painful process, quite the opposite actually.

A website will help you:

  • Communicate with the world your company story and all that it offers.
  • Educate, entertain, and empower your viewers.
  • Build awareness, influence, and connect.

The power of your website lies in your hands.  What are you waiting for?

Please Stay Relevant.

Pam Rezai
Sr. Marketing Director

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