If you haven’t done much with your company identity, then you may want to start the new year revamping your image. Often businesses overlook the importance of freshening up their brand, updating their marketing collateral, and equipping and training their sales force with relevant tools. Failure to address these issues typically results in stagnation within the company culture, lack of direction and focus, and it can even have an adverse effect on sales. So put zest back into your brand by following these 3 steps:
1. Reevaluate your brand strategies

When was the last time your company looked in the mirror and reviewed your mission, vision, values, and purpose? Over the course of months and years your MVVP may have transformed into something different. That could be a good or bad thing. Either way, its imperative that you wrap your arms around your company MVVP in order to reaffirm your positioning. Then and only then, can you adequately adjust your brand messaging, strategy, experience, and guidance.
2. Refocus on Your Target
For some of you who are reading this, it may be easy to define your target. In fact, your clear understanding of your consumer has probably granted you loads of success. However, in recent years the economic landscape has been looking pretty gloomy along with your prospective pipeline. Take an honest look at the market place and factor in their needs, possible market segmentation and verticals, and your ability to reach them. Once you grasp key characteristics of today’s market place as it relates to your business, you will be better prepared to align your brand image with your identity.
3. Redesign Your Communication Tools
Is your website ugly? Are your sales brochures/literature still listing services that you no longer provide? Is your logo and messaging outdated and irrelevant? How long have you been putting off revamping your marketing communication tools? Perhaps you’re content living in a house with retro 70’s decor, but most likely your employees, your prospects and your clients aren’t too fond of the blue shag carpet. In other words, start renovating. But remember, don’t redesign your communication tools without first resolving the first two steps mentioned above.
Keep It High Touch!
Ernie DiMalanta