Today, a lot of marketing discussions revolve around digital tactics like social media marketing, digital ad placements, and search engine advertising. Those are all very important strategies. But we also believe in the traditional print advertising and especially the traditional tactics that enhance and grow your digital ad strategy.

One often overlooked, and yet highly effective tactic is the use of signage. Signs can mean everything from billboard advertisements, in-store point of purchase displays, to yard signs, and vehicle decals. Signs remain effective in capturing the attention of onlookers. Why? Because they’re still relevant. People don’t physically live online—we live in the real world. We’re visiting coffee shops, driving down highways, going to shows, and meeting friends in public spaces. Advertising can still cater to that, and we believe it shouldn’t be forgotten.

Here are a few areas where we promote sign usage for our clients.

  1. Billboard ads– when properly used and located, they can bring brand awareness and validate your credibility and services provided.
  2. Yard signs and outdoor banners.  Enticing promotions placed strategically can increase sales by educating passerby about your products and services.
  3. Logos and design on vehiclescan increase brand awareness and encourage customers to call. This can be done with a relatively low budget, too.
  4. Purposeful in-store signagecan draw immediate attention to new products or lead to greater social media following.
  5. Sale banners displayed on doors or entranceways can alert people to new business openings, events, or new product promotions. It can increase foot traffic into your business as well.
  6. Buying ad space at high-traffic eventssuch as sports arenas can gain a large group of customers to your offerings as well.

Signage not only directs customers to your location but also communicates that your brand is easily accessible and credible. These are various ways to create awareness and draw a call to action, but sign marketing is especially useful if you’re targeting a local area around your place of business. Keep in mind, when executing your signage, that your messaging must be clean and to the point. People only have seconds to read your message—make it count.

Challenge: The use of this old-time tactic is still relevant in this digital age. We challenge you to remember the tactics that have proven to work in the past. Consider using this in your marketing mix!

And always remember…