In this month’s Esquire magazine an article titled, “The Secret Life of a Well-Dressed Man” was written about my friend Kenyatte Nelson who was named America’s best dressed real man last fall. While reading this article I recalled the importance of supporting your image with brand strategies.

If you know Kenyatte, you would agree that he is a confident individual who knows what he is about, where he is going, and how he plans to get there. His style is a result of his convictions, and intentionality. He knows how to control image (it helps that he is also a brand manager at Proctor and Gamble and also maintains his own fashion blog- Tweed & Velvet).

If I had to put clothes on your company based on it’s brand strategies, would it look like a combination of Miami Vice and My Name is Earl? Does your company image confidently portray thoughtful strategies? Does it appeal to your market? Do you even have a strategy?

Don’t sign wrap your vehicles, place that next ad, or make that next big presentation without getting your hands around your brand.

Keep it High Touch!

-Ernie DiMalanta